PSYCH-K® is a powerful tool to help you change your self-limiting beliefs and perceptions.

Your beliefs and perceptions shape your world, so changing how you see the world allows your world to change.

The process is done in direct communication with your subconscious and superconscious mind using muscle testing and energetic re-alignment balances, to create rapid and lasting change to the way you perceive yourself and your life.

The goal is to align your subconscious belief systems with your conscious goals to accelerate transformation, healing and evolution.




Sometimes, try as you might to change your life, there may be a subconscious block that is pulling you full force in the opposite direction.

It can be difficult to see our own blockages and blind spots, let alone be able to overcome them.

If you have unresolved emotions and outdated belief systems they can have a huge impact on your life.

What starts as a whisper of emotion can easily become a shout if left unresolved, showing up in the form of a symptom or illness, or a life block. Life is always trying to point us in the direction of healing and wholeness, but sometimes it can be hard to understand what it is that’s being communicated.

How can it help?

If you are:

  • Struggling to create or heal from something in spite of your best efforts and positive attitude.

  • Stuck in a pattern in relationship/work/ life/health that you can’t get past.

  • Replaying the same scenario over and over and don’t know why.

  • Finding challenging to let go of a past event, or are worrying about an event that hasn’t happened yet.

PSYCH-K® can help to shift the subconscious programs that are running in the background and keeping you stuck in the same patterns, or getting in the way of your goals.

All the positive affirmations in the world won’t be able to come true if there is a subconscious belief system running that believes the opposite. PSYCH-K® helps to get the conscious and subconscious mind working together towards the same goal, instead of pulling in opposite directions.


  • Work/career/direction blocks

  • Creativity

  • Relationship issues

  • Abundance blocks

  • Spiritual Connection

  • Phobias & Fears

  • Self-doubt/confusion/feeling lost

  • Resolving traumatic events

  • Navigating crossroads in life


The body is an amazing machine that is always showing us where we need to course correct. The problem is that we have forgotten how to speak its language. We tend to think symptoms are just a coincidental inconvenience that are getting in the way of our thriving, whereas actually they are the key to it!

Different areas of the body tend to represent different themes, and it will display symptoms in that area to bring your attention to that theme.

For eg., the stomach is about digestion, so if there is nausea, you could ask:

What in my life can I not digest? What am I sick of? What can I not stomach?

In this way your stomach is pointing you towards something in your life that needs your attention, and by following the symptoms you can not only create space for physical healing, but can also create a change in your life.


Life circumstances will show up in exactly the same way that physical symptoms will. You may have repeated themes in relationships, or be trying to create something and it’s just not working out. Life is not just being cruel for no reason, it’s showing you something that needs to be seen within that pattern so that you can move on and thrive.

For eg., a past trauma has made you subconsciously believe that money leads to betrayal. Well, if that belief system is accounting for 95% of your beliefs towards money, than no matter how much you try to create abundance, the wisdom of your being will not set you up to be betrayed, so it will keep you on a low income to save you from experiencing that.

But, if you change the belief and resolve that trauma, you can align to a new belief that says that:

Money flows freely, money is safe, and abundance is available to you.

““Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve! Learn to rewrite the software of your subconscious mind and change your life!””




Your body is not against you!

In fact, your body is always working with you, for your benefit, to get you to living your most aligned life.

Your body is always trying to get back to balance, always moving towards health and wellness, and helping to bring your attention to what is not being seen or felt by screaming at you through physical conditions.

It can present you with symptoms (otherwise known as messages) to show you where your attention is needed. If we can listen to what these messages are trying to tell us, rather than trying to fix them or get rid of them as if they are wrong and shouldn’t be, they can hold such a powerful gateway for us to deep and lasting transformation.

Once we change the way we interact with physical conditions, they can become a beautiful self-discovery tool, instead of an inconvenience. Your condition becomes the direct access to your subconscious, showing you where you are ready to grow.

(A symptom can come in all forms, whether physical, emotional, mental, or in recurrent life situations like relationships, work etc. Here I will mostly speak about the physical or emotional, ‘condition’, but the exact same applies to any life ‘situation’. )

For example:

Have you ever been really busy and desperately needed a break but don’t have the time to take it…. then you get the flu? Or have an accident that makes you take that break? This is the Mind-Body Connection at work. This is a way your beloved body is making you take that break you wouldn’t give yourself otherwise. But, instead of saying thank you, listening and resting, we tend to just mask the symptoms with pharmaceuticals and push through.

If we keep going at the same pace, we may end up needing a louder symptom to make us slow down.

Working with the Mind-Body Connection is a way of hearing the whispers so you don’t have to hear the shouts.

eg. A traumatic event in childhood can lead to unexpressed anger, which may eventually lead or contribute to a liver problem, which then increases the anger to help you to finally express it and resolve that traumatic event. Once the anger is properly expressed, chances are your liver doesn’t need to keep trying to get your attention.


*PSYCH-K® can be an incredible compliment to medical treatments and interventions; helping you to discover what trauma, beliefs and perceptions can be contributing to your condition, but it is not a replacement. Please take care of the physical in whatever way you need to, while we explore what is contributing to the condition on a subconscious level.


Traumatic events that go unresolved, can stay in our nervous system and body for a long time, and completely change our perception of the world around us.

You may not even be aware of how much traumatic events still affect you, especially if you have already done a lot of healing on the conscious level. But your body knows. Often if you track back when the condition/situation started, you will find there was a traumatic event or big change that happened right around that time. Your body is giving you the signal (symptom) that there is still something to be resolved on a subconscious level.


There is a correlation between the different parts of the body and common emotional themes.

Eg. The skin tends to be about boundaries and connection, the lower back tends to be issues of support etc.

While this type of reference and exploration can be a useful support for the work, the bodymind is by no means as simple as to be put in categories. For one person it may fit the description perfectly, but for others it will be very different, or nuanced.

We may use these common themes simply as a consideration, rather than a map or a way to get the answers from outside yourself. You know better than any list what is happening within, so while sometimes they can be helpful, other times they can be a hindrance. With PSYCH-K® We will be in direct communication with your body and, subconscious & superconscious to get the answers directly.


Our body is also showing us our beliefs and perceptions about health and healing in general. Some of these will be your own beliefs, and others will have been picked up from the world around you.

Beyond just the message the body is trying to tell us, there can be other subconscious factors at play that are keeping you from getting well.

1- Beliefs about healing

“Healing is long and difficult”

“It’s genetic. My mother had it, my grandmother had it, so I have it too, there’s nothing I can do about that” - Well, as Bruce Lipton speaks about, genes are potential expressions that can be turned on and off depending on the environment (thought, beliefs etc)

“I need someone else to heal me” - We have been taught we need a doctor to heal us, or a pill. This is nothing more than a conditioned belief

“This is chronic and life-long” - this is usually a belief a medical professional has planted, with the best intention, but from a limited and linear perspective on healing.

“Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you’re RIGHT”
— Keith Wilson

With PSYCH-K® we can change your limiting beliefs that are either your own, or that you’ve taken on from your environment, so that the incredible self-healing power of the body can kick in.

2- Core Beliefs about Health & Wellbeing

Our perception shapes our reality, so how we see the world has a huge impact on our health, wellbeing and longevity. There may be part of you that believes you can be fully well, and another part of you that believes you can’t, and these can be in conflict.

With PSYCH-K® we can explore your core beliefs about health and wellness, and discover if there are any conflicts, and balance them so that you’re fully aligned with the positive belief.


We may find out through testing that you believe both “I want to live” and “I want to die” at the same time. Imagine the inner conflict holding those two apposing beliefs has on your life and your ability to heal. By aligning fully with the positive belief you can start fully living.


Our bodies and lives are an amazing communication system, always pointing us in the right direction of growth and expansion. The problem is that we don’t always speak the language so we stay unaware of what the condition or situation is pointing us towards. You may not be consciously aware of what caused to or lead up to your condition/situation starting. Using PSYCH-K® we can explore what that message or messages may be.


Ok, you’ve found the message, you understand what led to the condition, you’ve done the work, but you’re STILL not getting better, WHY???

There may be something else at play called secondary gains. This is where there is a valid reason that it benefits your more to stay sick than it does to get well. To explore the secondary gains I may ask you questions like:

What is being sick giving you that you wouldn’t otherwise get?

What are you able to avoid when you’re sick that you would have to do if you were well?

This may be receiving support, connection, empathy; or it may be allowing you to stay safe by not being able to do the thing that might fail.

Eg. If, on a subconscious, you believe that the only time you are cared for and loved is when you are sick, or being sick allows you to say no to something you don’t want to do, then being sick is (on a subconscious level) a better place to be. If by being well you lose that love, or have to do those things you don’t want to do, staying sick is more beneficial.

With PSYCH-K® we can change these beliefs so that you can get all those needs met even MORE if you are well. In this way the sickness doesn’t have to be your way of getting your needs met anymore.


Just as a condition may be a way of getting your needs met, addictions are also a way of getting our needs met.

This could be an addiction to cigarettes that give you the “space to breathe”, or your phone giving you companionship, or alcohol giving you the permission to express yourself. Anything that makes you feel good or has this positive subconscious association can become an addiction. Relationships, sex, gambling, coffee, cacao, exercise, food….. the list goes on.

To break the addictive cycle, we need to take the power away from those things, so that those needs can be met without the need for the substance or behaviour. So if you feel you have more connection without your phone, your subconscious mind will steer you away from your phone, rather than to it in search of that connection.

With PSYCH-K® we can discover what need that substance or habit is meeting for you, and change the belief systems and perceptions to allow you to get that need met without needing that thing.


Just as addictions represent a need that’s not being met, allergies and intolerances can represent an unresolved conflict with someone or a situation in your life.


You’re having dinner with your family, eating pizza, and there’s a big argument. That conflict can get transferred into that food, and become the subconscious representation of that conflict. Your body begins to react to it because every time you eat it you are subconsciously brought back to that conflict. So we develop a conflict with the food that is actually a conflict with a person!

With PSYCH-K® we can clear the conflict with that person so the food doesn’t have to be a stand-in for that conflict anymore and it can go back to just being food.

*The PSYCH-K® process is strictly limited to the working on your belief systems. Its purpose is to access your body/mind and its own innate healing abilities as complement, not a replacement, to medical treatment and medical care by qualified medical practitioners. The PSYCH-K® process is not designed to diagnose medical conditions. Nor is PSYCH-K® designed to treat, heal, or cure any disease, illness, physical disability, medical problem or mental illness, whether chronic or acute. PSYCH-K® is not a replacement for appropriate medical attention or professional mental health care. PSYCH-K® is not medical advice, and should not be treated as such

If you would like to come for a session please watch the video below first to get a better idea of how the process works.