
Below is an explanation of some of the techniques and modalities I am trained in and use when I work with people. As you read, if there is one or two that catches you interest do let me know in our session and we can focus more on that if it’s appropriate. No need to decide before your session though unless one pops out, as the right combination will reveal itself during the course of the session.




Cacao is a beautiful heart opening medicine that can help you connect on a deep level to yourself and your inner world. She help you access a new level of self love and acceptance, and shift into a lighter and more expansive version of yourself, shedding the layers that are standing in the way of that.

A 1:1 Cacao Session is a space to go even deeper into your work with Cacao. This private ceremony is specifically tailored to you and your unique needs. You have my full attention and focus as we can take the journey together to discover and work with the messages Cacao is showing you, so you can release what is it you are ready to be let go of, and open to your next level of expansion.

These sessions can help you to release and understand what you're resisting and what is showing up in your life. We can work on a specific physical/emotional/spiritual issue,or we can let whatever is ready to be worked with to reveal itself in the course of the session. I will guide the journey with meditations, inner-processing, visualisations, and energy work to help to gently bring your awareness to the messages coming from within you and from the world around you, so you can begin to understand the lesson behind it.

Cacao helps you to drop past the mind and into the heart, relaxes the nervous system, and helps you to access the subconscious mind from a place of deep focus and relaxation. From this state you have access to parts of yourself that are ready to be seen and worked with.

Cacao will help gently bring those to the surface so that we can work with them together. This can mean either accessing beautiful openings and more of your light; or it can give you access to stored emotions, beliefs or energetic blocks that are ready to leave your system.

I will guide you through to the other side so that you leave with greater understanding and a lot more lightness. After these sessions you'll feel a sense of release, openness, and a lot more self love.

These sessions can help you begin to shift the way you relate to your life through understanding the lesson behind ‘problems’ in your life. You can begin to move from seeing life as happening ‘to’ you, to seeing life as happening ‘for’ you and your expansion.


Ceremonial doses of Cacao can have adverse side effects for some people. If any of the below applies to you, know that it is still perfectly safe for you, but we would need to start you with a slightly lower dose.

The MAOIs in cacao can interact with some anti-depressant medication so ask your doctor if it’s ok for you. It's not dangerous, just unpleasant as it can create a migraine. Let me know if you're taking any mood altering medication as I may need to alter your dose, but you can absolutely still join. In general it will only effect those on a high dose or mixture of medications, and all should be fine on a slightly lowered dose of Cacao.

Cacao is safe and really good for developing babies but your dose may need to be lowered, depending on the stage so let me know if that applies to you.

Cacao increases your heart rate 20-30% so if this would be a problem for you let me know and I will alter your dose. It's an amazing heart medicine but you may need to start slower with it.

Psych-K ®

PSYCH-K® is a powerful tool to help you change your self-limiting beliefs. It is done in direct communication with your subconscious mind to create rapid and lasting change. The goal is to align your subconscious belief systems with your conscious goals to accelerate transformation, healing and evolution.

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How can it help?

Struggling to create something in spite of your best efforts and positive attitude?

Are you stuck in a pattern in relationship/work/ life that you can’t get past? Do you find yourself replaying the same thing over and over and don’t know why?

Is there a past event that you are finding challenging to let go of?

“Your subconscious beliefs establish the limits of what you can achieve! Learn to rewrite the software of your subconscious mind and change your life!”
— Bruce Lipton

PSYCH-K® can help to shift whatever subconscious programs that are running in the background and keeping you in the same patterns, or getting in the way of your goals. All the positive affirmations in the world won’t be able to come true if there is a subconscious belief system running that believes the opposite. PSYCH-K® helps to get the conscious and subconscious mind working together towards the same goal, instead of pulling in opposite directions.

Conscious & Subconscious Mind

The conscious mind makes up just 5% of our brain activity, and 95% of your mind is governed by the subconscious. So if you are trying to make a change in your life with your conscious mind only; using action, affirmations and willpower, chances are you won’t have much success…. until you get your subconscious mind on board too. That is what PSYCH-K® is great for. It’s a simple technique to get your subconscious mind on board with what your conscious mind would like to be experiencing and creating.

So, for example: You want to attract a partner, but on a subconscious level there may be a program running that you don’t deserve love; or that you can’t have a partner and keep your freedom; or any number of sabotaging beliefs that are going against the thing you want most. If the subconscious limitations are greater than the conscious desire, then what you want will stay out of reach for you because 95% of you is pushing away what 5% is trying to attract.

PSYCH-K® can help get your subconscious mind on board and help you clear the subconscious resistances so that 100% of you is aligned with the life you would love to create.

How does it work?

Before coming to the session you will get as clear as you can about what it is you would like to be experiencing. This can either be something you want to create or something you want to let go of.

During the session we will further clarify your goal and then we will use muscle testing to communicate with your subconscious mind and get it on board with the changes you want to make, clearing any subconscious resistances to it.

You will be fully clothed and engaged in the process.

Psych-K ®

For Health & Wellbeing

Your body is always working with you, for your benefit.

Your body is always trying to get back to homeostasis, always moving towards health and wellness.

It can present us with symptoms (otherwise known as messages) to show us where we are out of alignment. If we can listen to what these messages are trying to tell us, rather than trying to fix them or get rid of them as if they are wrong and shouldn’t be, they can hold such a powerful gateway for us to deep and lasting transformation.

Once we change the way we interact with symptoms, they can become a beautiful self-discovery tool, instead of an inconevience. Your symptoms become direct access to your subconscious.

(A symptom can come in all forms, whether physical, emotional, mental, or in recurrent life situations like relationships, work etc. Everything I will share can be translated to any of these levels also.)

For example:

Have you every been really busy and desperately needed a break but don’t have the time to take it…. then you get the flu? Or have an accident that makes you take that break? This is the Mind Body Connection at work. This is a way your beloved body is making you take that break you wouldn’t give yourself otherwise. But, instead of saying thank you, listening and resting, we tend to just mask the syptoms with pharmaceuticals and push through.

If we keep going at the same pace, we may end up needing a louder symptom to make us slow down.

Working with the Mind-Body Connection is a way of hearing the whispers so you don’t have to hear the shouts.


There is a correlation between the different parts of the body and common themes.

Eg. The skin tends to be about boundaries and connection, the lower back tends to be issues of support etc.

While this type of reference and exploration can be a useful support for the work, the bodymind is by no means as simple as to be put in categories; so while for one person it may fit the description, for others it will be different, or nuanced.

We will use these common themes as a consideration and inspiration, rather than a map, or a way to get the anwers from outside yourself. You know better than any list what is happening within, so while sometimes they can be helpful, othertimes they can be a hindrance


Our body is also showing us our beliefs and perceptions about health and healing in general. Some of these will be your own beliefs, and others will have been picked up from the world around you.

Beyond just the message the body is trying to tell us, there can be other subconscious factors at play that are keeping you from getting well.

1- Beliefs about healing

“Healing is long and difficult”

“It’s genetic. My mother had it, my grandmother had it, so I have it too, there’s nothing I can do about that” - Well, as Bruce Lipton speaks about, genes are potential expressions that can be turned on and off depending on the environment (thought, beliefs etc)

“I need someone else to heal me” - We have been taught we need a doctor to heal us, or a pill. This is nothing more than a conditioned belief

“This is chronic and life-long” - this is usually a belief a medical professional has planted based on a condition they don’t fully understand the deeper meaning of.

As a teacher of mine used to say:

“Whether you believe you can, or you believe you can’t, you’re RIGHT”- Keith Wilson

If you truly believe, on a subconscious level, and not just a conscious level, that you can fully heal, then you CAN!

With PSYCH-K® we can change your limiting beliefs that are your own, or that you’ve taken on from your environment.

2- Conflicting Beliefs

There may be part of you that believes you can be fully well, and another part of you that believes you can’t, and these can be in conflict.

With PSYCH-K we can explore your core beliefs about health and wellness, and discover if there are any conflicts, and balence them so that you’re fully aligned with the positive belief.


When I explored my core beliefs, I had one conflicting belief that stood out. I tested positively for both “I want to live” and “I want to die”. Imagine the impact that conflict was having on my life! When I fully aligned to living, a lot began to shift in my life.

3- Secondary Gains

Ok, Ive found the message, I’ve done the work, but I’m STILL not getting better, WHY???

This is what we call secondary gains. There is a reason that it benefits your more to stay sick than it does to get well. To explore the secondary gains I may ask you questions like:

What is being sick giving you that you wouldn’t otherwise get?

What are you able to avoid when you’re sick that you would have to do if you were well?

This may be receiving support, connection, empathy; or it may be allowing you to stay safe by not being able to do the thing that might fail.

With PSYCH-K we can change these beliefs so that you can get all those things even MORE if you are well. In this way the sickness doesn’t have to be your way of getting your needs met anymore.


Just as illness may be a way of getting your needs met, addictions are also a way of getting our needs met. This could be an addiction to cigarettes that give you the “space to breathe”, or your phone giving you companionship, or alcohol giving you the permission to express yourself. Anything that makes you feel good can become an addiction if you can’t get there without it anymore. Relationships, sex, gambling, coffee, cacao, exercise….. the list goes on.

To break the addictive cycle, we need to take the power away from those things, so that those needs can be met without the need for the behaviour. So if you feel you have more connection without your phone, your subconscious mind will steer you away from your phone, rather than to it in search of that connection.

With PSYCH-K we can discover what need that thing is meeting for you, and change the belief systems and perceptions to allow you to get that need met without needing that thing.


Just as addictions represent a need that’s not being met, food intolerances can represent an unresolved conflict with someone or a situatino in your life.


You’re having dinner with your family, eating pizza, and there’s a big argument. That food can now become the subconscious representation of that conflict. Your body begins to react to it because every time you eat it you are subconsciously brought back to that conflict. So we develop a conflict with the food that is actually a conflict with a person!

With PSYCH-K we can clear the conflict with that person so the food doesn’t have to be a stand-in for that conflict anymore and it can go back to just being food.

*The PSYCH-K® process is strictly limited to the working on your belief systems. Its purpose is to access your body/mind and its own innate healing abilities as complement, not a replacement, to medical treatment and medical care by qualified medical practitioners. The PSYCH-K process is not designed to diagnose medical conditions. Nor is PSYCH-K designed to treat, heal, or cure any disease, illness, physical disability, medical problem or mental illness, whether chronic or acute. PSYCH-K is not a replacement for appropriate medical attention or professional mental health care. PSYCH-K is not medical advice, and should not be treated as such

If you would like to come for a session please watch the video below first to get a better idea of how the process works.



“Paula is a gifted, gentle and intuitive guide into the subtle and fascinating process of PYSCH-K. Her knowledge and ability to address questions and get to the core of limiting beliefs showed such discernment and professionalism. She is adept at a variety of ways of balancing and solving the issues which present themselves. Her kind approach facilitated a safe space for healing and growth. ”
— Selena




Do you have a persistent physical issue that you can’t seem to clear?

Do you have an area of your life that isn’t flowing and you can’t work out why?

Would you like to learn to meditate using very simple but powerful meditation techniques?

Mind Detox is a system of techniques and meditations, created by Sandy Newbigging, to help you to understand what’s behind persistent physical and life issues, and bring more peace and presence to your life. It consists of a combination of techniques and meditations tailored to your unique needs.


Mind Detox, Embodying Technique & Calm Cure:

For physical/life issues.

These incredibly powerful techniques involve my asking you a series of questions that will be answered by your subconscious mind to reveal the event or underlying conflict that is contributing to your physical or life issue. Once we have discovered the root cause, we can bring peace to the conflict and install a new way of relating to it.

Chronic conditions and life situations will often have an emotional and mental element to them which keeps them alive and present in your life. By using the Calmology system of techniques and meditations, we can use the mind-body connection to help you resolve those issues and allowing space for healing to happen.


Mind Calm/Body Calm:

For everyday peace and presence.

CALM stands for Conscious Awareness Life Meditation. These are very simple but powerful meditation techniques that will help you experience more peace and presence in your life.

Mind Calm is great for dealing with a busy mind. It helps you create a new framework and a new relationship to your thoughts, emotions and life.

Body Calm is a very healing meditation for the body. It can help to create the rest your body needs to heal and stay healthy.

These meditations can be used in a closed-eye meditation sitting; or they can be used open-eyed, at any point during your day, to bring a moment of peace, calm and connection. In this way you can bring your meditation practice off the cushion and integrate it very easily into your daily life.

A Mind Detox Session

This is a two step process where first we will use Mind Detox/Calm Cure/Embodying Techniques to discover and resolve the ‘root cause’ of the issue you would like to work with, and then I will teach you the Mind Calm/ Body Calm meditation techniques so you have something to take home and practice yourself to bring more peace and presence to your life. If you don’t have a specific issue you’re dealing with but could use some more peace in your life, we can focus just on the meditations instead.

How Mind Detox worked for me

I discovered the benefits of Calmology when I was at my wits end with eczema. I was covered head to toe in what felt like a burn. I had tried diets, medications, herbs and all sorts of natural treatments but nothing worked. I felt freezing cold all the time, but the more clothes I wore, the more irritated my skin got; I became intolerant to all my favourite foods and my confidence was at rock bottom.  

Through my research for a solution, and a moment of synchronicity, I discovered Sandy Newbigging and learned the Embodying Technique and the Body Calm meditation - this helped me discover the emotional cause of my eczema. Through using these meditations and awareness techniques, I'm now completely eczema free and can eat and wear what I like and my confidence has fully recovered.  

Not only that, but I learned a great deal about myself and what my skin was trying to tell me in the process. I’m really excited to help people do the same kind of healing and begin to understand what their body and life situations are pointing them towards and inviting them to embody.

Here’s an article I wrote about my journey with eczema for Sandy’s online magazine, Calm Times:

And a video explaining a little more about Mind Detox:


- Mind Detox -

Peace with your past. The Mind Detox technique can help you uncover what unresolved (and usually unknown) issue from your past may be contributing to your present life situation. By resolving the conflict of the past, you can gain more peace in the present.

- Calm Cure -

Peace with your present. Calm cure can help you understand and get peace with whatever you may be in conflict with in your life. This can include relationship/work/financial/health/world issues that may be impacting your present peace.

- Embodying Technique -

Peace with your body. The Embodying technique can help you understand and resolve the underlying mental/emotional cause of illness, making space for healing to happen. Using the mind-body connection we can begin to understand what your body is trying to tell you by creating the symptoms you are experiencing. Once you understand the message it won’t need to be so loud and your body can begin to release what it’s holding . This includes Sandy’s directories on the common mind-based causes of health issues.

- Body Calm -

A meditation to get peace with your body. Body Calm is a powerful meditation that gives your body the rest it needs to heal.

- Mind Calm -

A meditation to help you get peace with your thoughts and emotions, and begin to connect more with the still silent presence behind the movement of life and the mind.

- Body Calm -

A meditation to get peace with your body, and bring rest and space to allow healing to happen. This includes the Embodying Technique which can help uncover and release what may be the emotional or mental cause of illnesses and ailments, allowing space for the condition to begin to release from the body.

Through our work together you can expect to gain more peace, clarity and connection to life and your spiritual Self; discover if physical issues have a mind based element and resolve it, improve any issues in your life that may be causing unease, and improve your relationships/work/finances/health/or any other areas of your life that could use an upgrade.

Energy Healing

With or without Cacao

In this session all you do is just relax and receive. From this state of deep relaxation, your nervous system can release energies that have gotten stuck and are no longer of benefit to you, bringing you into a more balanced and aligned state of Being.

I will offer you Cacao if you like, and then you will lie on the table and simply open up to the energy flowing in to you, no need to do anything, but just BE. I will use a variety of tools such as chakra balancing with a pendulum, reiki, sound and aroma to create a relaxing and healing space for you.

Energy Healing can be done in person or over distance


What is Reiki?

Reiki is a channeling of high frequency energy which will meet you where you’re at and infuse your body with the exact type of healing and realignment it needs for that moment. Your highly intelligent system will ‘drink it in’ to the area it is most needed and re-balance itself in the way that’s right for you, bringing the nervous system back into a state of coherence.. 

Cacao can be served to help guide the session deeper; open up the energetic system even more to allow the energy to flow deeper, while helping you to connect to and feel the energy flow in a more profound way.


Deep relaxation and nervous system realignment

Balancing of the chakra system

Enhancement of your body’s natural healing abilities

Releasing of old ‘stuck’ energy

Assistance in healing many physical and emotional issues

Increased immunity

Regulation of blood pressure

Regulation of mood

Better sleep

Lowering of stress hormones, a shift out of ‘fight/flight’ mode and back into coherence

Profound spiritual openings

Increased clarity around life situations and issues