
Private Cacao Ceremony



If you would like a personalised Cacao Ceremony just for you, or you would like to gather a group for a private online ceremony, I would love to facilitate that for you.

A private ceremony can be a beautiful experience if:

1- You feel you can’t fully let go in a group of people you don’t know

2- You would like to mark a transition in life with intention and ceremony

3 - You have something specific you would like guidance with and are ready to dive right in

4 - You have a group of friends you would love to experience Cacao with, in your own sacred container just for you

What is a Cacao Ceremony and what can it do for you?

A Cacao ceremony is a sacred meditation space that will help you get out of your head and into your heart; opening the doors to your magic, talents and gifts.

It’s a place of self love, acceptance and healing; allowing you to connect to your light and let go of what's standing in the way of that.

In a private Cacao ceremony you can go even deeper into your work with Cacao, as it is specifically tailored to you and your unique needs for that day. You will have my full attention and focus and we can take the journey together to discover and work with the messages Cacao is showing you, so you can release what is it you are ready to be let go of, and open to your next level of expansion.

These sessions can help you to release and understand what you're resisting and what is showing up in your life. We can work on a specific physical/emotional/spiritual issue, or we can let whatever is ready to be worked with to reveal itself in the course of the session. I will guide the journey with meditations, inner-processing, visualisations, and energy work to help to gently bring your awareness to the messages coming from within you and from the world around you, so you can begin to understand the lesson behind it.

Cacao helps you to drop past the mind and into the heart, relaxes the nervous system, and helps you to access the subconscious mind from a place of deep focus and relaxation. From this state of Being you have access to the parts of yourself that are ready to be seen, loved, and worked with.

Cacao will help gently bring these aspects to the surface so that we can work with them together. This can mean either experiencing beautiful openings and more of your light; or it can give you access to stored emotions, beliefs or energetic blocks that are ready to leave your system.

I will guide you through to the other side so that you leave with greater understanding and a lot more lightness. After these sessions you'll feel a sense of release, openness, and a lot more self love.

These sessions can help you begin to shift the way you relate to your life through understanding the lesson behind ‘problems’ in your life. You can begin to move from seeing life as happening ‘to’ you, to seeing life as happening ‘for’ you and your expansion.

How does a ceremony go?

We will gather together, enjoy a delicious cup of the best quality ceremonial Cacao, directly sourced from the ‘Chocolate Shaman’ Keith Wilson in Guatemala.

After that I will explain a little about how and why we work with Cacao and a bit about the background of Cacao, of Keith, and of my journey with Cacao.

Once you feel her calling you inward, I will guide a meditation to connect to your light, drum a little to help draw you further inward, and then you will have some space to journey with Cacao while I support you (and the group) with individual work, which can include processing work, meditations, journeying techniques and reiki. Usually we end the ceremony with a guided meditation on a particular topic that feels appropriate for the day. This can be anything from manifestation; connecting with your higher Self or inner child; to a balancing of the masculine and feminine aspects of yourself to bring more integration and harmony within you.

Things to know before a ceremony

Ceremonial doses of Cacao can have adverse side effects for some people. If any of the below applies to you, know that it is still perfectly safe for you, but we would need to start you with a slightly lower dose.

The MAOIs in cacao can interact with some anti-depressant medication so ask your doctor if it’s ok for you. It's not dangerous, just unpleasant as it can create a migraine. Let me know if you're taking any mood altering medication as I may need to alter your dose, but you can absolutely still join. In general it will only effect those on a high dose or mixture of medications, and all should be fine on a slightly lowered dose of Cacao.

Cacao is safe and really good for developing babies but your dose may need to be lowered, depending on the stage so let me know if that applies to you.

Cacao increases your heart rate 20-30% so if this would be a problem for you let me know and I will alter your dose. It's an amazing heart medicine but you may need to start slower with it.

If you are a group of more than 10, please fill out the form below to organise