Mind Detox


Calm Coaching

Do you have a persistent physical issue that you can’t seem to clear?

Do you have an area of your life that isn’t flowing and you can’t work out why?

Would you like to learn to meditate using very simple but powerful meditation techniques?

Mind Detox is a system of techniques and meditations to help you to understand what’s behind persistent physical and life issues, and bring more peace and presence to your life. It consists of a combination of techniques and meditations tailored to your unique needs.


Mind Detox, Embodying Technique & Calm Cure:

For physical/life issues.

These incredibly powerful techniques involve my asking you a series of questions that will be answered by your subconscious mind to reveal the event or underlying conflict that is contributing to your physical or life issue. Once we have discovered the root cause, we can bring peace to the conflict and install a new way of relating to it.

Chronic conditions and life situations will often have an emotional and mental element to them which keeps them alive and present in your life. By using Mind Detox techniques and meditations, we can use the mind-body connection to help you resolve those issues and allowing space for healing to happen.


Mind Calm/Body Calm:

For everyday peace and presence.

CALM stands for Conscious Awareness Life Meditation. These are very simple but powerful meditation techniques that will help you experience more peace and presence in your life.

Mind Calm is great for dealing with a busy mind. It helps you create a new framework and a new relationship to your thoughts, emotions and life.

Body Calm is a very healing meditation for the body. It can help to create the rest your body needs to heal and stay healthy.

These meditations can be used in a closed-eye meditation sitting; or they can be used open-eyed, at any point during your day, to bring a moment of peace, calm and connection. In this way you can bring your meditation practice off the cushion and integrate it very easily into your daily life.

A Mind Detox Session

This is a two step process where first we will use Mind Detox/Calm Cure/Embodying Techniques to discover and resolve the ‘root cause’ of the issue you would like to work with, and then I will teach you the Mind Calm/ Body Calm meditation techniques so you have something to take home and practice yourself to bring more peace and presence to your life. If you don’t have a specific issue you’re dealing with but could use some more peace in your life, we can focus just on the meditations instead.

How Calmology worked for me

I discovered the benefits of Mind Detox when I was at my wits end with eczema. I was covered head to toe in what felt like a burn. I had tried diets, medications, herbs and all sorts of natural treatments but nothing worked. I felt freezing cold all the time, but the more clothes I wore, the more irritated my skin got; I became intolerant to all my favourite foods and my confidence was at rock bottom.  

Through my research for a solution, and a moment of synchronicity, I discovered Sandy Newbigging and learned the Embodying Technique and the Body Calm meditation - this helped me discover the emotional cause of my eczema. Through using these meditations and awareness techniques, I'm now completely eczema free and can eat and wear what I like and my confidence has fully recovered.  

Not only that, but I learned a great deal about myself and what my skin was trying to tell me in the process. I’m really excited to help people do the same kind of healing and begin to understand what their body and life situations are pointing them towards and inviting them to embody.

Here’s an article I wrote about my journey with eczema for Sandy’s online magazine, Calm Times:


And a video explaining a little more about Mind Detox:


- Mind Detox -

Peace with your past. The Mind Detox technique can help you uncover what unresolved (and usually unknown) issue from your past may be contributing to your present life situation. By resolving the conflict of the past, you can gain more peace in the present.

- Calm Cure -

Peace with your present. Calm cure can help you understand and get peace with whatever you may be in conflict with in your life. This can include relationship/work/financial/health/world issues that may be impacting your present peace.

- Embodying Technique -

Peace with your body. The Embodying technique can help you understand and resolve the underlying mental/emotional cause of illness, making space for healing to happen. Using the mind-body connection we can begin to understand what your body is trying to tell you by creating the symptoms you are experiencing. Once you understand the message it won’t need to be so loud and your body can begin to release what it’s holding . This includes Sandy’s directories on the common mind-based causes of health issues.

- Body Calm -

A meditation to get peace with your body. Body Calm is a powerful meditation that gives your body the rest it needs to heal.

- Mind Calm -

A meditation to help you get peace with your thoughts and emotions, and begin to connect more with the still silent presence behind the movement of life and the mind.

- Body Calm -

A meditation to get peace with your body, and bring rest and space to allow healing to happen. This includes the Embodying Technique which can help uncover and release what may be the emotional or mental cause of illnesses and ailments, allowing space for the condition to begin to release from the body.

Through our work together you can expect to gain more peace, clarity and connection to life and your spiritual Self; discover if physical issues have a mind based element and resolve it, improve any issues in your life that may be causing unease, and improve your relationships/work/finances/health/or any other areas of your life that could use an upgrade.

To book your session, first purchase a Mentorship package below, then use your code to book your sessions