Energy Healing

This is a session where all you do is just relax and receive. From this state of deep relaxation, your nervous system can release energies that have gotten stuck and are no longer of benefit to you, bringing you into a more balanced and aligned state of Being.


I will offer you Cacao if you like, and then you will lie on the table and simply open up to the energy flowing in to you, no need to do anything, but just BE. I will use a variety of tools such as chakra balancing with a pendulum, reiki, sound and aroma to create a relaxing and healing space for you.


Reiki is a channeling of high frequency energy which will meet you where you’re at and infuse your body with the exact type of healing and realignment it needs for that moment. Your highly intelligent system will ‘drink it in’ to the area it is most needed and re-balance itself in the way that’s right for you, bringing the nervous system back into a state of coherence.. 

Cacao can be served to help guide the session deeper; open up the energetic system even more to allow the energy to flow deeper, while helping you to connect to and feel the energy flow in a more profound way.


Deep relaxation and nervous system realignment

Balancing of the chakra system

Enhancement of your body’s natural healing abilities

Releasing of old ‘stuck’ energy

Assistance in healing many physical and emotional issues

Increased immunity

Regulation of blood pressure

Regulation of mood

Better sleep

Lowering of stress hormones, a shift out of ‘fight/flight’ mode and back into coherence

Profound spiritual openings

Increased clarity around life situations and issues