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Cacao Facilitator Training Application

I am so delighted you are feeling the call to step into sharing this beautiful medicine with the world.

To make sure this course is right for you, and that your are ready for the course, please answer the questions below in as much detail as you can so that I can get a feel for how far along your Cacao journey you are. This course is for those who have experience sitting with Cacao and are ready to learn to share it with others. This is not a course for those who are curious to learn about Cacao for their curiosity, or for those at the start of their Cacao journey, for that we have the Intro to Cacao course, which can be found here: Intro to Cacao

Please note that not all applications will be successful.

I recommend to drop into your heart, take some centring breaths, even have a cup of Cacao before if you feel called, and allow the answers to come from the heart.